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From the taverns and inns of Embra, Oganika Arcanum: Hex16 is a competitive puzzle game from a fantasy culture. For 1 or 2+ players. Play simply as-is, or integrate into some seriously fun tavern down-time in your own favourite RPG or LARP setting. Who knows, by getting to grips with the tiles, something magical might occur…




2 tile sets (36 tiles in a set).


1 treatise detailing the background lore of the tiles & their use in the cultural setting of Embra and it's nations.

1 instruction manual, clearly describing the game of Hex16 & how to play it as a single or multiplayer game, along with variations, including the use of puzzle cards.

36 double sided puzzle cards.

Bonus puzzle cards & expansion cards.

2 linen bags, timer and timer counters.

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